The Legend of Captain Taro

One day, a purple cat named Taro was taking a luxury cruise across the ocean, when suddenly, a violent storm struck the ship and the cat was thrown overboard!After days of endless floating, the cat found themselves washed up on the beach. Lost and clueless, they wandered around the island looking for ways to return to their normal life, however, they realized that this could be an opportunity... to start anew!They gathered materials from the island and crafted a raft to set sail! Taro was full of spirit and determined to explore the world in search for adventure, friends, and treasure!


  1. I own all rights over the work created! If you wish for me not share the commissioned piece, tell me. Commissioned work may be posted on the internet to promote my work!

  2. Do NOT claim the commissioned piece as your own!

  3. A slot may ONLY be claimed if it has been paid for in full. You may not reserve slots!

  4. Major adjustments to the drawing likely will result in extra fees.

  5. To ensure quality, I will not take any rush commissions. I may take as long as needed to fulfill the work!

  6. The sketching process may begin once you have paid full upfront.

  7. Do NOT use my works as NFTs, commission me for NFTs, or upload my art to ANY blockchains. You will be blacklisted.

  8. You are prohibited from feeding my works to any AI generating software.

  9. The drawing progress may be streamed over on my Twitch account, if the content is allowed on the platform. Please notify me if you do not wish for the piece to be broadcasted!

  10. If we mainly communicate through social media (e.g. Twitter), notify me immediately if you decide to change your handle. This helps avoid complications during the commission process and that all information is up to date.

Will Draw!

  • Original characters

  • Ship art / pairings

  • Reference Sheets

Won't Draw!

  • Extreme gore

  • Complex designs/patterns

  • NFTs